To update Documenos by installing a newer version over the version on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Download the ZIP file of the new version of Documenos to your computer
  2. Stop the web server service or web page service on your computer, IIS or Apache (whichever you are using)
  3. Make a backup of the folder containing your web server's Documenos files
  4. Make a backup of each of your PostgreSQL database files
  5. Save the updated Documenos files you downloaded by opening them in the folder set for your web page on your web server.
  6. Start web server services

When the service is started, database changes with the new version will be automatically applied. You can start using the new version of the application by typing your Documenos access address in the address line of your web browser.

In case of a possible setback, you can start using the application as it was before by restoring the backup of your web application files and databases.

Do I need to install each version separately? Is it okay if we skip a version?
Answer: No, no problem. Let's say you are using version 1.41 of the application and you have not updated your system even though updates 1.42 and 1.43 were released twice within a year. But when update 1.44 arrives, you need a feature in this update and want to install it; In this case, you can update from 1.41 to 1.44 directly. Version 1.44 will include the changes you missed.