Documenos has no minimum hardware rule.

There is no restriction on how much HDD space or RAM is on your server. Our only restriction for now is that you must only have an x86-based or ARM-based processor. We do not yet have a version for processors produced with RISC architecture, which started to become widespread in the 2020s.

It does not matter whether you install it on a physical server or a virtual server in a virtualization environment. If you wish, you can install it on your physical servers.

You can download and install Documenos application files that you can install on your WEB Server from the download section. Currently, we do not have any published packages for Docker or any of the other container packages supported by Kubernetes. If you wish, you can prepare and use a Docker container package for the application. The software has the appropriate architecture for this.


Our primary recommendation is to install Documenos on a physical server. If this is not possible, you can also install one of the following widely used and known virtualization platforms: VmWare, Hyper-V, OracleVM, Citrix Hypervizor, RedHat Virtualization, VirtualBox.

Support will not be provided for problems you experience with container packages you create yourself or for problems you experience with another virtualization platform not mentioned above.