Creating a License

When you first install and run Documenos, there is no license registration. You must manually create and confirm your license registration yourself.

If you see "Demo" on the Documenos home page as follows, it means that no licence registration has been created:

Open the Control Panel to create a license record. Click on the "Licence Record" link under the "Licence" heading under the system management tab:

License Information

"Registration Status": You can see the status of the license registration in this field. Since there is no license record yet, 'No License Exists' will be written in this field when the first installation is made.

"Registration Number": Here you will see the registration number of the license that will be generated for you. Once your license registration is created and confirmed, it is recommended to keep this number in a safe place. When the license needs to be moved to another server, in cases of physical damage to your servers, loss, theft, etc., when you can no longer access your license, when there is a need for a server update, you can use this number to move your license record to another server and continue using it. Therefore, remember that the license registration number will be important.

"To Whom Does It Belong": Which company, institution, establishment, organization, school, association, foundation, club, official institution, union, political party, charity or individual, etc. has the license? If you are purchasing on your behalf, you must write the official full name of the license holder here.

Contact information

"Full Name": Every license record needs a contact information. In transactions related to license registration, you must enter here the full name of the person to whom confirmation codes will be sent during installation or transfer, payment information messages will be transmitted, and who will act on behalf of the license holder while performing functions such as tracking, transfer, etc.

"EMAil": The e-mail address of the contact person must be written here. If an incorrect e-mail address is entered, the transaction will fail because the confirmation code to be sent for the license creation process will not be transmitted. Therefore, the e-mail address written in this field must be correct and access to this e-mail address must not be lost by the license holder in any way.

"Phone": The phone number of the contact person should be written here. It is important that it is written with the international code.

"Address": The full mail address of the contact person must be written here.

"Country": The country where the license will be used must be selected from this list.

Scope Information

"Licensed Modules": You must mark the modules for which you want to create a license record from this list. After the licensing process is completed, a module can be added to the license record.

"Maximum Number of Servers": The number of different servers on which you will install Documenos must be specified in this box. Database servers are not included. Database servers are license independent and you can install and use as many database servers as you want. The number specified here should be the maximum number of web servers.

"Licensed Servers": You must mark the names of the servers you have installed in this list.

"Maximum Number of Users": Refers to the total number of active users who can use Documenos. You can increase it by ten. You can create license registration for a minimum of ten users. After the licensing process is completed, users can be added to the license record.

"Licensed Companies/Institutions": Before starting the license creation process, you must make sure that the information about the company/institution you will license is set correctly on the company/institution definitions screen. You must mark the companies in this list that you want to include in the license. Attention: The application root address and SMTP address of the company cannot be changed later. Therefore, make sure that this information is written correctly.

After entering all the information, make sure the "Create New" option at the bottom of the form is selected, then check the box indicating that you have read and approved the privacy policy and license agreement.

Click the "Continue" button to have the information you enter sent to our servers. Wait until the process is completed. Information transmitted to our servers is processed and stored in a secure location.

Any information in the record submitted to us is never shared with a third person or institution. You can read the details of the issue in our privacy policy and license agreement.

After your license record is created, your screen switches to "Waiting Record Confirmation" mode as follows:

If you have seen this message, a verification PIN code has been sent to your email address to confirm the accuracy of this information. When you look at the bottom of the license page, you can see that the transaction options have changed and become as follows:

"Confirm": When this option is selected, you can type the PIN code sent to your e-mail address into the box and confirm the information you entered for license registration with the "Continue" button.

"Cancel License Creation": You can select this option and click "Continue" to have the information you entered for license registration completely deleted from both your servers and ours.

"Resend Confirmation Code by Email": If you select this option and press the "Continue" button, the PIN code will be sent to your email address again.

Attention! Once the PIN code has been delivered to your email address, be sure to also check your "Junk Mail" or "Spam" folders

The incoming email will look like this:

Check the "Confirm" box, write the PIN code sent to your e-mail address in the box on the screen, and after confirming the privacy statement, confirm the license information by pressing the "Continue" button.

Once your license information is confirmed, the system will automatically direct you to the payment page below:

Attention! The prices appearing on the sample payment page below are for example purposes only. Actual prices vary.

If you are going to make the payment by credit card, when you complete the transaction on this screen, your license record will automatically be activated and you will be directed back to your own servers.

Note that you do not have to make the payment immediately. If you plan to make the payment later, you can close the page or return to the application with the "Return To License Form" button at the bottom of the page. To access the payment page later, open the administration panel in the application and click on the license registration link under the system management tab. On the pending payment license registration screen, the license status will appear as "Waiting License Payment". The options at the bottom of this page will also have changed as follows:

When the "Open Payment Page" option is selected, you can confirm the privacy statement and license agreement and open the payment page again with the "Continue" button.

If you decide not to pay, you can destroy the license record with the "Clear License Information in This System" option.